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Customer Service will be closed January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The Culinary Pharmacies will be closed January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The Culinary Health Centers will be closed January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Eligibility calculator

Check your hours to see when you’ll have benefits

When you work 360 hours within 3 consecutive months you become eligible for health benefits (3 months in a row your hours have to total 360). That means you need to work about 30 hours a week.

Once you do that, then you have to wait 1 month for coverage to start.

Pick the months when you worked at least 360 hours to see when your benefits start.

Coverage dates
May 1 to June 30
Coverage dates
June 1 to August 31
Coverage dates
July 1 to August 31
Coverage dates
August 1 to October 31
Coverage dates
September 1 to October 31
Coverage dates
October 1 to December 31
Coverage dates
November 1 to December 31
Coverage dates
December 1 to February 28/29
Coverage dates
January 1 to February 28/29
Coverage dates
February 1 to April 30
Coverage dates
March 1 to April 30
Coverage dates
April 1 to June 30

Continuing eligibility calculator

Once you have your benefits, you need to work at least 240 hours every 2 months to keep them. That is about 30 hours per week.

Pick the months when you worked at least 240 hours to see when you’ll have benefits.

Coverage dates
May 1 to June 30
Coverage dates
July 1 to August 31
Coverage dates
September 1 to October 31
Coverage dates
November 1 to December 31
Coverage dates
January 1 to February 28/29
Coverage dates
March 1 to April 30

Follow this link to learn more about eligibility and to find out what to do if you don’t work enough hours.

If you have questions about getting or keeping your benefits, call our Customer Service office at 702-733-9938.