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Your employees are not alone!

If your employees feel depressed, they can’t be their best selves. We offer a Coping with Depression class that can benefit your employees who may be depressed. It's taught by a professional who can help them get the care they need. They'll explain mental health problems and show your employees how to treat them.

This class can help your employees who:

  • Feel depressed, anxious, or stressed
  • Are considering therapy or treatment and want to learn more
  • Want to help a loved one

What does this class talk about?

  • How depression and anxiety affect the body
  • Exercises and activities to do to balance your mind
  • Different types of treatments and what to avoid
  • When, where and how to get help
  • What your employeesʼ benefits are

Where can my employees go if they need mental health services?

They do not need to go to this class if they want to get mental health services. They can schedule an appointment with a mental health professional by calling Harmony Healthcare at 702-251-8000. They do not need a referral.

What are my employeesʼ mental health benefits?

Type of service In-network copay Out-of-network copay
Outpatient therapy session (that’s not with psychiatrist or psychologist)
  • No copay for your employee’s first 5 visits
  • After 5 visits, $15 copay per visit
Not covered
Intensive outpatient program $0 copay Not covered
Partial hospital admission $150 copay per treatment plan Not covered
If your employee needs to stay in a hospital $250 copay per hospital stay $2,000 copay per hospital stay, plus 40% of remaining allowable charges.

Upcoming classes

Coping with depression

Language Day Date Time Location
English Thursday March 27 10am to 12pm CHC Durango
Español Thursday March 27 4pm to 6pm CHC Durango

Where to go