Capitated services
Providing quality, affordable healthcare takes a team effort. Our capitated service agreements help control healthcare costs for the Plan. If your employees need a capitated service they can only visit the capitated provider for that service.
Our capitated services and providers are:
Blood disorder and cancer services
Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada
- Phone: 702-952-3350
- Website
Dental services
Nevada Dental Benefits
- Phone: 702-478-2014
- Website
- Find a dentist (Select “NDB Managed Care Plans” from the Select Plan menu)
High risk pregnancy services
High Risk Pregnancy Center
- Phone: 702-382-3200
- Website
Laboratory services
Clinical Pathology Laboratories
Mental health and addiction services
Harmony Healthcare
- Phone: 702-251-8000
- Website
Human Behavior Institute
- Phone: 702-248-8866
- Website
Sleep studies
- Phone: 702-896-7378
- Website
Vision services
- Phone: 866-800-5457
- Website